Title IX at Aquinas College
On-Campus Resources
Title IX Coordinator
Email: titleix@lixubing.com
You have the option to report to Aquinas College, which means alerting the College
about an incident. You also have the option to make a formal complaint with the College,
which means a formal request for an evidence based investigation resolution process.
You may report to the College and receive support with or without a formal complaint.
Reports can be made at any time (including during nonbusiness hours) at lixubing.com/titleix.
The Title IX Coordinator will respect the privacy of the information you report and
will share it with only those who need to know. If you decide to report the incident
to law enforcement, the Title IX Coordinator can help facilitate your connection with
the appropriate agency.
Counseling, Health and Wellness Services
Donnelly Center, Lower Level
Phone: 616-632-2905
Email: chws@lixubing.com
Schedule a free counseling session and find out more about local resources. Counselors
are confidential resources.
Lactation and Personal Care
Lactation and Personal Care/Quality of Life rooms are available on campus for nursing, pumping, and other personal medical needs at the following locations: Albertus Magnus Hall 130 & 248, Academic Building 24B, Cook Carriage House 202, Grace Hauenstein Library 158.
Campus Safety
Wege Parking Lot
Phone: 616-632-2462
Emergency: x3333
Email: cso@lixubing.com
Campus Safety office is located on the west end of the Wege Parking Lot. The office
is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, including breaks. Campus Safety employees
are mandated reporters.
Campus Ministry
Academic Building 309
Phone: 616-632-2488
The Chaplain is a confidential resource. Other Campus Ministry staff are mandated
Off-Campus Resources
YWCA West Central Michigan
616-454-9922 - 24-Hour Confidential Crisis Line
25 Sheldon Boulevard SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
The YWCA offers a comprehensive range or services and trauma-resolution techniques
for victims of domestic and sexual violence. They provide 24/7 on-call rape exams
(also known as medical-forensic examinations) that are comprehensive, timely, sensitive,
and at no cost. The YWCA also provides a 24-hour confidential helpline and can offer
crisis support, safety planning, advocacy, counseling, shelter, and support groups.
Grand Rapids Police Department
Emergency Number: 911
Non-Emergency Number: 616-456-3400
1 Monroe Center NW
You can file a report in person or online.
National Sexual Assault Hotline
800-656-HOPE (4673)
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) operates the National Sexual Assault
Hotline and the Online Hotline. The Online Hotline provides live, secure, anonymous
crisis support for victims of sexual violence, their friends, and families. Both hotlines
are open 24/7.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (7233),
TTY 800-787-3224
Provides 24/7 confidential, one-on-one support to each caller and person on live chat,
offering crisis intervention, options for next steps and direct connection to sources
for immediate safety for those affected by domestic violence.
Title IX Coordinator
(616) 632-2455